Tips for visuals with social media

Tips for visuals with social media

If a picture is really worth a thousand words, what does that buy us in the world of content marketing? Quite a lot actually. We have long-known that content containing visuals yields more views and shares when it comes to social media — 94% more views, in fact, for...
Tess: Upending stereotypes

Tess: Upending stereotypes

As the first in our three-part “trend watcher” series last Friday, we asked what role social media has played in questioning our traditionally held standards of beauty. Particularly, who or what is leading the charge — what almost seems a movement as of late — saying...
Now is the time to invest in content marketing

Now is the time to invest in content marketing

In a recent study of millennials, nearly two-thirds of those surveyed said that online content drives their brand loyalty. There are around 80 million millennials, making their generation larger than Baby Boomers and 20 percent bigger than Generation X. Not only do...
Lifting the veil: What women really look like

Lifting the veil: What women really look like

Last Friday we blogged about Photoshop turning 25 and marveled at how far we have come with technology during that time. But we would be remiss not to touch on the dark side of how Photoshop has contributed to unrealistic perfectionism with all things visual in...