The state of content marketing

The state of content marketing

When we tell folks that Shift Key is a content marketing and PR agency, we still get a lot of questions about the “content marketing” part.  Loosely, content marketing is any marketing effort that shares media or publishes content — ideally “valuable, relevant and...
So, what does Shift Key do anyway?

So, what does Shift Key do anyway?

Thanks for showing your support for Shift Key on Facebook. If you’re still wondering, “What is it exactly that Shift Key does?” The easy answer is, “We write stuff, all kinds of stuff. We write what most people find difficult to create. You...
How to win with content marketing in 2015

How to win with content marketing in 2015

We are believers in content marketing — and what it can do for businesses of all sizes. Check out John Hall’s thoughts, published in Forbes, about content marketing winners and losers of the last year. Hall contends that smaller brands do content marketing...