It all starts with a story…

It all starts with a story…

Forbes’ #1 actionable tip for content marketers says that it all starts with good storytelling, and we couldn’t agree more here at Shift Key. While we’re...
You like me: 4 lessons the Oscars offer

You like me: 4 lessons the Oscars offer

by Joelle Polisky From a content marketing standpoint, here are four lessons you can take away from the Oscars. Build your fan base. Which actor has the biggest social following? Many celebrities increase their fan base by taking the time to share personal pictures...
You had me at bookbook, Ikea.

You had me at bookbook, Ikea.

Ikea has a bold new innovation in content marketing. You’ve got to see it to believe its many features and capabilities. To honor ideas like this, we’re having Swedish meatballs for...
Our favorite books of 2014

Our favorite books of 2014

Having someone recommend a good book to read is a gift. So, consider this a little something extra for you! We’ve collected our favorite reads of the year. Enjoy and let us know what you think. In fact, what was your favorite book this year? We would love to...