by Joelle Polisky

From a content marketing standpoint, here are four lessons you can take away from the Oscars.

  1. Build your fan base. Which actor has the biggest social following? Many celebrities increase their fan base by taking the time to share personal pictures and posts every day. The same holds true for content marketing. Devising a consistent content calendar is crucial for marketers to build an “organic” loyal audience following.
  1. Tell a compelling story. Great actors help tell a story based on their ability to convey emotions and by using well thought out content. Emotional engagement is one of the keys to content marketing success. Emotionally driven content — whether it’s excitement, fear, shock or comedy — builds a connection between your content and your audience.
  1. Image is everything. Celebrities know that the way they present themselves has a profound impact on their careers. The same thing holds true with content marketing. For your campaign to be successful, don’t underestimate the power of visuals to reinforce your message. Your written content may provide excellent information, but including a powerful image will draw in your audience for further engagement.
  1. Give them something to share about. Do you remember the selfie tweet from Ellen Degeneres which has been seen around the world? The epic post holds the record for most retweets at 3,361,755. Give your readers the right content, and watch them share it over and over. Of course, finding that “right content” takes creative insight, diligence and being in the right place at the right time. Audiences appreciate content that takes them somewhere new. Take a real chance with your content every now and then.


At Shift Key, we make communication capital. We are journalists who know how to create original content, the foundational layer of digital marketing. We understand audience and the information your audience wants – whether you are an agency, brand, company or non-profit. Content is the bedrock of digital marketing. Shift Key creates unique and informative content that feeds marketing activities across a mounting number of channels, generating buzz for brands and leads for products and services.