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Foolproof ways to create timely, newsworthy content: Free download to cure writer’s block for good
[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_separator color=”white” accent_color=”#ffffff”][vc_single_image image=”896″ border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self” animation=”no-animation” scroll_animation=”disable” delay=”0.1″ img_size=”large”][vc_separator color=”white” accent_color=”#ffffff”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Most news writing textbooks tout seven values for stories — impact, immediacy, proximity, prominence, novelty, conflict and emotions.
Good storytellers recognize those traits innately — and the rest of us can learn them or at least learn to appreciate a good story for the telling. The truth is, most good stories have anywhere from three to six of these traits.
When creating a content calendar for your business or organization, sometimes we get so focused on our internal messaging that we lose track of the seven values required for good news stories. For example, when building a content calendar for your organization, be certain to create a balance of content between “evergreen” stories (those stories that are perpetually “fresh” and relevant) and stories that are hooked to holidays or news events. Keeping your calendar nimble enough to jump on a clear and easy connection to a news story is essential.
But, what about on the days when there’s not a news story in sight or holiday on the horizon that connects to your messaging? The obvious answer is that those are days to use an evergreen piece. However, crafting evergreen stories can be time-consuming, requiring extensive industry research, or frustrating, kicking writer’s block into overdrive. How do you unearth a fresh perspective on one of only a couple topics your company has designated SEO-worthy?
Shift Key has created a tool that you can use on those challenging days — a foolproof solution for writer’s block and your organization’s annual pass for timely content — a 365-day calendar of lesser-known, nationally designated days. (Download for FREE here for use when creating your content.)
Remember, if you need help strategizing to create your content calendar or in creating the content, call us. An hour with Shift Key could take your organization’s content marketing efforts to a whole new level. We’re happy to advise your team, supplement your team or be your team!
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