Say zài jiàn to puns in the Chinese media. The powers that be say that puns in the media, including headlines, online discussions and advertisements, stand to “create cultural and linguistic chaos” and may mislead children. Puns are one of the most...
Your press release is a tool for the journalist. Provide all the information a reporter will need at his or her fingertips to write a story — including additional potential sources and how to contact those sources. The easier you make it for a reporter, the more...
by Doug Gruse You can create effective videos for business presentations or to add content to a website without spending a lot of money hiring a professional videographer or purchasing fancy equipment. Most smartphones are equipped with cameras that shoot video at a...
Everyone wants to get a story featured in the Wall Street Journal or be seen on major news outlets. In reality, stars have to align for your story to run. For the most part, getting a story placed is all about timing. What does it take for a reporter to “consider”...
1. i before e, except after c or when sounded like “ay,” as in neighbor and weigh. Exceptions: weird, foreign, height, leisure, protein and either and words with “cien,” including ancient, efficient and science are also exceptions. 2. When two vowels go a’walking, the...
Establishing a positive environment in the 21st century office goes beyond planning happy hours and holiday parties. The ease of telecommuting has given way to an office space that may seem somewhat empty. More organizations are offering employees the option to work...
Shift Key is about to change the world! We are a content marketing company. Advertising has changed. These days, technology has made almost everyone a publisher. People need content — general writing for a website, email marketing, articles, white papers, etc. The...