by Joelle Polisky From a content marketing standpoint, here are four lessons you can take away from the Oscars. Build your fan base. Which actor has the biggest social following? Many celebrities increase their fan base by taking the time to share personal pictures...
by Stacey Lee Boyett The Wall Street Journal leaked late last week that Apple is entering the automobile sector with what has since been dubbed the “Apple car.” This is but the latest in a string of Silicon Valley and Motor City marriages with product development...
As technology marches forward, do we run the risk of entering a digital dark age or “forgotten century,” as Google vice-president, Vint Cerf, warned at a conference in San Jose, California, last week. With so much emphasis and money put on developing new,...
Want to gear up for the ultimate Valentine’s Day experiment? All you’ve got to do is ask another person (of your targeted sexual orientation) 36 questions and be willing to answer them yourself. Could be worth a try — even for couples who have been...
How does an aging action star make an explosive entrance into the world of content marketing and create Internet buzz? He does this: Want to make a movie with Jean...
If you’re still wondering what content marketing is and how it could improve your business or organization’s efforts, know that the best content marketing is not smoke and mirrors. Instead, it is substance over sizzle. 1) The best content marketing focuses...
Snickers hits the nail on the head with this throwback demonstration of digital trickery. Snickers put together a winner. It plays on our generation’s quest for nostalgia. Plus, it’s surprising and perfectly cast. What’s not to love?...
Sunday is Shift Key’s two-month anniversary. We’re excited about all the content marketing work that’s come our way thus far and looking toward the future with our shades firmly in place. We’ve already learned a couple of things along the way:...
We also like to make lemon crepes. And eat them. (Our CEO, Jan Risher, has written a weekly Sunday newspaper column since March 2002. Her column Sunday was about the lemon tree she planted a few years back and the lemon crepes she and her family make and enjoy,...
Are you one of those people who is good at navigating cocktail parties, family gatherings and office meetings? If you are, chances are, according to research, that you’re better at the internet too. “That’s the word from Anita Woolley, a professor of...