If you’re still wondering what content marketing is and how it could improve your business or organization’s efforts, know that the best content marketing is not smoke and mirrors. Instead, it is substance over sizzle.
1) The best content marketing focuses on providing useful information and adding value for the customer and the customer’s experience over razzle-dazzle brand promotion.
2) At Shift Key, we believe in the 75-25 rule regarding digital content — whether it’s on a blog or social media. In other words, for every one piece that promotes your brand, you need at least three that are aimed solely at adding value for the customer. If you’re not sure where your organization stands in the self-promotion versus customer-centric ration, get out a pencil and paper and take a tally. If your numbers are off, make a change — starting today.
3) More isn’t always better. Sometimes it’s just more. When it comes to creating social media content, if what your brand is putting out there is just noise or entertainment that isn’t adding value to your customers/potential customer or efficiently promoting your business, you’re barking up the wrong tree. Developing and following a strategy on why you are sharing what you’re sharing is essential.